This is one of the most important aspects of getting your injury treated. There are many doctors of both medicine and chiropractic who treat auto accident injuries, some who are good and others not so good. Personally, I think experience is a key factor. The accident and injury doctors such as myself, have treated literally thousands of patients with injuries ranging from neck and back injuries to injuries of the shoulders, knees, wrists, etc. We handle all aspects of our patients care; examinations, imaging if needed, therapies, referrals to specialists if needed, periodic evaluations to adequately show documentation of our patients progress, and finally, our patients release from care.
The best advice I can offer is to just come in and have a consultation with one of our doctors of chiropractic. We will listen to your concerns about your injury and show you how we can help.
One thing I can tell you is that you should never go to a doctor who calls you out of the blue with knowledge about your accident. Chances are that those callers got your information illegally from an accident report or a hospital. This means that someone has violated your privacy. Especially watch out for calls from people who suggest that they are from an insurance company and want you to go to a doctor to get "checked out". These solicitors are operating illegally in most cases and need to be avoided.
At Accident and Injury Chiropractic, many, if not most, of our patients are referred to us by former patients. Its what we call internal referrals. These referrals constitute the highest form of complement from our current and former patients. It means they were highly satisfied with our treatments and care. Call or come in for a consultation.
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