Thursday, October 10, 2013

I'm Getting Calls from Other Doctors After My Accident

     So, you were in an accident and ever since, you have gotten calls from people wanting to  "help you" with your accident.  Some say that you could actually get money for your injury.  Others say that you need to get evaluated for an injury, even if you have no pain.  Some might even claim they are from the insurance company and that you need to go for an evaluation.
     You just have to wonder how they got your number.  If the police came out and did an accident report, your information could have been gotten from that, even though that record is not supposed to be public for at least 30 days.  Or, if you went to an emergency room after your accident, then someone at the hospital could have passed your information on to someone else. That is a violation of patient privacy laws and as I understand it, that is a felony.
     Either way, you can bet they don't have your best interests in mind. The best thing to do is get their name and number then pass it on to local authorities or, if you are already going to a doctor, give it to him and they will pass it on to the appropriate people.  More than likely, they obtained your phone number illegally.  I have had patients tell me that in some cases, these "solicitors" actually showed up at their door, offering to drive them too a clinic right then.
     Stay away from these people.  If a doctor or an attorney has to stoop to this level to get customers, you can bet that they aren't very good, either as a doctor or as a lawyer.

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